Wireless Solution
Point-to-Multipoint solution
We provide broadband wireless outdoor connectivity for a variety of applications in urban and rural deployments. This widely deployed platform offers a carrier-class outdoor link with enhanced security and capacity as well as QoS for data, voice and video services. Enhanced uplink/downlink configuration offers better support of business applications including public safety and video surveillance. This is ideally suited for
- Internet Service Providers (WISPs)
- Smart Cities
- Education
- Public Safety
- Smart Utilities
- Enterprises
Point-to-Point solution
We provide comprehensive line of point-to-point solutions that enable efficient, reliable and secure communications for high-bandwidth applications. Its long range and high-capacity support makes it to be the preferred cost-effective solution for building-to-building connectivity and backhaul services, eliminating the necessity for expensive leased lines over wireline infrastructures. Our product offerings are enhanced with self-provisioning, self-healing and self-protection capabilities for maximum ease of use and efficiency. This is ideally suited for
- ISP & Operators
- Utilities Providers and Enterprises
- Critical and real-time business applications,
- Public safety
- Video surveillance